Heels braced on the paneling
On this sweet, sweet night
This is late winter, early spring
No one can help you,
No one can cure you

Sleep gathers herself beside me
The white curtains
Brushing against our backsides
She looks out onto the city
Her knowing eyes
Tinting the skyline into a blur
She just sits
Her hands folded in her lap
She doesn't ask me to leave
This calm moment
But I can feel her in my skin
And its distracting

Slowly I turn to her
"Okay, let's go inside"
and she smiles
"You're such a late nighter."
Gathering up our limbs
We creak and crawl
Through the window.
My knee thrashes the pane
Its glass shaking with interruption
And once feet meet the cold wooden floor,
Sleep envelops my eyes
Closing helplessly
Collapsing on the bed
I feel the chilly sheets
On my legs, on my feet
Oh sweet night
You fill me up.

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