by Yzzy 361 words (2.5 minutes) Liz shares a flat with her brother, James, and his partner, Stephi. In this scene Liz is speaking to Stephi about her pet mice Eddy and Freddy.(this should be done in a cockney accent)LIZ (holds up woolly pom-pom) Look what I just made for Eddy and Freddys cage. Do you want to see me give it to them? (goes to cage) Hullo Freddy darling, you in your wheel are you? Oh, the little love, hes a little muscle mouse. Wheres your friend? Wheres Eddy? Look at him, you can see his little mind going round. Eddy? Eddy? Come and see what Liz has got for you. (to Stephi) Who was that in the car with him? Was that Celestine, was it? (to mice) Oh yes, aint you a strong little mouse, you can spin that great big wheel all by yourself. Mind you dont catch your tail, thats what happens to little boys who show off. Eddy! I dont know why Eddy wont come out. (to Stephi) You wont see James till morning then. (pause) Hes a law unto himself though, aint he, youll never change him. I could never change him. He was such a lovely looking little boy though. (to mice) Oh yes, Freddy youre a lovely looking little boy too, youve got a lovely pink nose and its ever so pointy. Go and get Eddy for me. Go on. (to Stephi) I hope Eddys alright. He might be sick, mightnt he. I ought to take of their roof and see what hes up to. (does so) Oh, look at you, you sleepyhead. Here, what you got there? Show Lizzie. Oh! Its a baby! Its a tiny little baby. Fancy that. Did you ever see anything so tiny? Looks like its made of jelly, dont it? Its like a jellybaby with hands. (reaches into cage, then, to Stephi) Im only going to put it next to its mother. Eddy wont mind. (to cage) Wheres your little baby gone, Eddy? Look behind you, you stupid thing. Oh blimey, look at that, will you? Shes eating it. Horrible little thing! Eating it! Her own baby! (to Stephi) I shouldnt have touched them! Its against their instincts aint it. You told me not to touch them. You mustnt disturb them, must you. But its unnatural, aint it? I shant give them that pom-pom now. Itll go straight in the bin.